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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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If you try to eat low carb and/or higher protein, this recipe is a game changer. It's nearly 100% protein, no nut or coconut flour 😝 and tastes delicious! I've been experimenting with this recipe for the past few months and have tons of videos detailing all of my "bready" keto creations. Just search "Indigo Nili egg white bread" and they should come right up! 🤩 Have you tried this recipe yet?

蛋白粉 150g
阿洛酮糖 Allulose 35g (可減少或不加)
鹽salt 1/2 茶匙
塔塔粉cream of tar tar 1/2 茶匙 (可用蘋果醋代替)
水 290g

3.用電動打蛋器 發打15-20分鐘 (可以減少,打到倒轉唔流就得)


3g instant yeast
30g + 130g water
1tbsp inulin powder (or 0.5 tbsp sugar/honey)
60g egg white protein powder https://amzn.to/3Q2xcF3
20g allulose
1 tsp lemon juice/apple cider vinegar (or 0.5 tsp cream of tartar)
1/3 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
Pinch of salt